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Dog Friendly Lists

9 Items to Keep in Your Dog's First Aid Kit while Hiking

I've put together a list of the 9 Items to Keep in Your Dogs First Aid Kit, that you'll actually use! Humans have first aid kits, so why shouldn't your dog? When you are out hiking or camping there's always the possibility of your dog tearing it's paws, getting a dog bite, running into a stick or log, or getting allergies from an insect bite. You could easily buy a first aid kit from the store (and pay a lot of money for it), but making your own Pet First Aid kit is much cheaper, and you can put in the items you will actually use. It doesn't matter what time of year it is, always carry a first aid kit prepped for your furry friend. 

Dog Friendly Lists

6 Tips to Keep Your Dog Warm while Camping

Camping & backpacking with dogs is really enjoyable, but the fun can be ruined if your furry pal is shivering and can't stay warm. Here in Utah, the temperatures can be 90F during the day and drop as low as 30F in the desert, even in the Summer. It doesn't matter if you decided to camp in Moab or in the High Uintas, always be prepared for cold weather camping with your dog, especially since the weather can change so quickly here. After camping and backpacking for 5 years with Charlie, one of the top questions I get is how I keep Charlie warm. 

Dog Friendly Lists

Backpacking with Dogs, Hiking in Utah with Dogs

Backpacking with your dog is one of the most enjoyable bonding activities you can do together. Whenever I pull out Charlie's Ruffwear Pack he starts jumping around - he knows that another adventure is around the corner. There's nothing that compares to seeing Charlie's smiling face as he runs free in the back country, then having him snuggle me by the campfire after a long day of hiking and exploring. With the right planning and preparation, your trip will be fun, safe, & memorable!

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